This rulebook may be cited and referred to as the GFTV Community Rules, short for GFTV CR.
1.1 Any reference to any CR rules shall be in the format of section-clause-subclause.
1.2 For example, Section 5 Clause 14 subsection 2.3 is written as Rule 5-14.2.3.
In this Online Community Regulations rulebook, unless the context otherwise requires:
“Admins” mean team members of Global Furry Television responsible for managing the Communities;
“Advertisements” or “Ads” means promotions of content, initiatives and products made by an individual, group or organisation;
“any form of communication” means content online and offline inclusive of, but not limited to, text, audio, image, video, web links, flags, symbols and slogans.
“Appeal” means if a Member feels they were unfairly punished, they have the right to present their case and potentially, subject to the Admins’ approval, have the decision overturned or amended;
“Ban” means permanent revocation of access to GFTV’s Online Communities and Community Events;
“Borderlines” means any item, be it in the form of text, images, videos or audio, that contains subtle double meanings or tries to blur the boundaries between two things;
“Borderline NSFW” refers specifically to any form of communication that portrays or includes NSFW content in a subtle way, such as a double entendre.
Examples include but are not limited to deliberately paused moments of a video or an angle of a picture suggesting explicit sexual concepts.
“Background” means, and is not limited to, an individual’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, national or social origin, property, age, nationality, marital status, disability, place of birth, place of residence within a country, sexual orientation and gender identity;
“Bullying” means singular or repeated acts by one or more individuals, be they sexual or moral, that hurt or threaten others through any form of communication, including but not limited to name-calling, insults, trolling, violence, discrimination, exclusion, shaming, harassment and threats, that:
Causes physical or emotional harm to such person(s), worsening mental health;
Places such person(s) in reasonable fear of harm to themselves;
creates a hostile environment within the Communities for such person(s);
substantially disrupts peace in the Communities.
“Communities” or “GFTV communities” mean all online social spaces of Global Furry Television;
“Community Events” or “CE” means any events, meetups or furcons solely hosted by Global Furry Television;
“Members” mean any individuals inside GFTV Communities;
“NSFW” means not-safe-for-work, content that’s mainly aimed at adult audiences 18 years of age and above. It includes the qualities of a Mature Audiences (MT) rating and prohibited contents listed in GFTV’s Programme Rating System;
“PM” means private messages, text messaging from person to person in private;
“Rules” mean rules and regulations stated in the Community Rules of Global Furry Television;
“Rumours” mean currently circulating stories or reports of uncertain or doubtful facts based on accounts, hearsay or gossip that cannot be objectively verified;
“SFW” means safe-for-work, family-friendly content suitable for all ages, including minors. Equivalent to General (G) and Parental Guidance (PG) ratings in GFTV’s Programme Rating System;
“Slur” means disrespectful, derogatory or insulting remarks in any form of communication applied to a specific group of people based on their background.
Last updated
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