24. Swearing is allowed, but not too much that it makes others uncomfortable.
24.1 Excessive swearing and using extremely NSFW language and slurs will be punished with warning counts.
25. Discussions or promotion of ethically questionable activities, such as cheating, plagiarism, etc, will be punished with warning counts.
26. Spreading rumours against individuals inside or outside the Communities and about current events will be punished with verbal warnings.
26.1 Members must properly research the context of the rumours before posting information. When information is insufficient, it must be pointed out.
26.2 Prior experience or “In good faith” are invalid reasons to skip factual research. Members may abstain from topics where self-care takes priority.
26.3 Members who continue to spread rumours in defiance of the verbal warning and without intention to correct themselves will be punished with a ban.
27. Incessantly mentioning @everyone, the admins, or a specific person without proper reason will be punished with verbal warnings.
28. Repeated and unnecessary tagging of admins will be punished with verbal warnings.
Last updated
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